HOME spirit-connection-power-of-sound-2025
We work with the power of sound. We organise concerts, sound meditations, retreats, sound baths and have a shop with lots of overtone instruments.
We work with the power of sound. We organise concerts, sound meditations, retreats, sound baths and have a shop with lots of overtone instruments.
We work with the power of sound. We organise concerts, sound meditations, retreats, sound baths and have a shop with lots of overtone instruments.
The Manifest & Unmanifest - meditative concert12 October 2024 at the Kruisherenkapel in Udenclick here >>>4-day gong retreat: Wheel of Sound -
online sound meditations (as a download and streaming via Soundcloud) We would like to give you these meditations as a point of focus with which to
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[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text] [UK text, see below*] Deze Spirit Connection-meditatie is gericht op het in balans brengen van de body/mind en deze