Spirit Connection sound meditations

available to stream for free (SoundCloud) or as a download

[UK text below*] We would like to give you these meditations as a point of focus with which to turn inward. All too often we are focused on the outside world and often forget to dwell on our real being. The sound of these meditations can provide guidance to relax body and mind and shift focus to create space for your inner essence. It requires an open way of listening, without words. Listen and discover the silence behind the sounds, the silence of the unnameable and impersonal its.


We recommend doing this meditation sitting down to avoid falling asleep. Again and again, try to consciously stay with your attention to the sounds and experience 'wide'.


TIP: You can also put on this sound meditation during your daily activities or with your Yoga or Qigong exercises. Then put the track on repeat.


These meditations are like download and streaming freely available via the links at the bottom.

*[UK text]]

We would like to give you these meditations as a point of focus with which you can turn inward. All too often we are focused on the outside world and forget to reflect on our true being. These meditations can provide guidance to relax body and mind and create space and shift attention to your inner essence. It requires an open way of listening, without words. Discover and hear the silence behind the sounds, the stillness of unnameable and impersonal being.


We recommend that you do this meditation while sitting to avoid falling asleep. Time and again try to consciously stay with the sounds and experience it 'broadly'.


TIP: You can also play this sound meditation accompanying your daily activities or with your Yoga or Qigong exercises. In that case put the track on repeat.


These meditations are freely available for download and streaming from the links below.


Gwen & Harry

Our company was born out of our fascination with sound and its effect on people. Briefly: the power of sound. We have trained and mastered the use of sound. You can transcend thinking with it and it can offer relaxation on multiple levels. The gong is often seen as a symbol of the primal sound, the first cause, the gateless gate. Crazy as it may sound, sound can bring you back to the essential silence, the omnipresent.

We provide and offer:

  • gong baths
  • sound concerts
  • sound meditations
  • soundyoga
  • sound treatments
  • workshops and training courses

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