zaterdag 3 september gratis gongmeditatie – sessie 3 – 13.30 uur


If you want to order more tickets at once. Click several times on the [ADD TO CART]. You will then see the quantity you wish to order appear in the icon (shopping trolley) in the top right-hand corner. If you want to checkout, click on the shopping cart icon and it will be self-explanatory.


As sold out you can put yourself on the waiting list, by sending an email to

Sold out

TICKET VOOR zaterdag 3 september gratis gongmeditatie – sessie 3 – 13.30 uur

You are welcome at Spirit Connection.
Borneolaan 25, Hilversum.

Should you end up not being able to come, let us know and we can do someone else a favour.

If sold out, you can get yourself put on the waiting list, by sending an email to



Spirit Connection