online sound meditations
These meditations are like download and streaming freely available via the links below. You will also find more information about the meditation in question there.
EVENTS: gong baths, concerts and sound meditations
gong baths and gong concerts
Our gong baths and concerts are usually recumbent, often in special locations.
At a traditional gong bath we work only with sound instruments such as gongs, different types of singing bowls and other overtone instruments.
At gong concerts we combine our instruments with musical instruments played by professional musicians such as didgeridoo, Indian flute, vocals, cello, piano, percussion, and so on.
gong meditations
We regularly give free gong meditations at our premises but also at special locations. These are sound- and silence-guided meditations.
What can you expect at our concerts and meditations?
You lie among gongs, singing bowls and other instruments. Through the undulating flow of sound and vibration, the feeling of separation from other people and the world around you disappears.
Time and space dissolve into your essential silence.
The mental, emotional and physical aspects of your body become super-conductive and regenerative, dissolving the ego's habitual resistance and relaxing you into stillness.
sound treatments
group sessions
For the sound treatments, we also have a group room for small groups of 2 to 6 people. This space is intuitively filled with instruments tailored to the group.

individual sessions
We have a special sound room with a special sound bed where you lie between gongs, singing bowls, tongue drum, monochord and other overtone instruments tuned to you for this treatment. This treatment works on the physical, mental and emotional body. Thereby, sound is the carrier wave for consciousness that increases energy, dissolves blockages and helps against stress, tension and insomnia. It can also provide insight into conditioning and structures.
workshops & trainings
We regularly give workshops and sound meditations at our premises, but we also do this on location. We then work with gongs, crystal singing bowls, Himalayan full-moon singing bowls and tuning forks.
We provide these trainings for half a day (minimum) or several days.
You can also hire us for a tailor-made training or workshop. For example, as part of a corporate training or at a yoga retreat.