October 15 & 16, 2016: Gongpuja

Book your tickets now!

On 14, 15 & 16 October, we will organise a Gong Weekend at the beautiful Venwoude location in Lage Vuursche. During this Gongweekend, we will have a Gongpuja for which you can register separately. This Gongpuja will be from Saturday 15 October 20.30 until Sunday 16 October 08.30. Before we start the Gongpuja, we will do a short yoga and gong meditation after which the gongpuja will start around 11pm. This will last until 05.30 after which we will all have breakfast at 07.00.

What is a Gongpuja?
You have to imagine the room being filled with about 20 gongs arranged in a vortex. Around this vortex, people lie sleeping or meditating an entire night in the sounds of the gongs. An "all night Gong Puja" is a journey through space in the Silence of who you are. Space is filled by multifying layers of overtones created by the gongs. It is an experience beyond all expectations. It is a ceremony of cleansing, regeneration, rejuvenation and insight - a process that takes about 6.5 hours in total. A Gongpuja involves playing at a volume at which you can sleep and/or meditate. Anyone participating in this evening/night is encouraged to participate fully in the Puja by taking turns playing the gong for the group or simply disappearing into the experience.

What should you bring?
Bring your own bottle of water, a duvet or sleeping bag and a pillow for a comfortable night. Think about comfortable clothes. Mattresses are provided there.

The cost for the Gongpuja is €65 per person. It will be held in the Zonnedauw room at Venwoude location and you will be expected at 8pm in the Pyramid at Venwoude location in Lage Vuursche.

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