HOME spirit-connection-power-of-sound-2025
We work with the power of sound. We organise concerts, sound meditations, retreats, sound baths and have a shop with lots of overtone instruments.
We work with the power of sound. We organise concerts, sound meditations, retreats, sound baths and have a shop with lots of overtone instruments.
We work with the power of sound. We organise concerts, sound meditations, retreats, sound baths and have a shop with lots of overtone instruments.
The Manifest & Unmanifest - meditative concert12 October 2024 at the Kruisherenkapel in Udenclick here >>>4-day gong retreat: Wheel of Sound -
Sign up now! This Saturday, we will give the workshop intuitive working with tuning forks. This is a workshop to practically
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Boek nu je tickets! Deze zaterdag geven we de workshop intuïtief werken met stemvorken. Dit is een workshop om praktisch
We are organising three different workshops in small settings in our premises in the coming period. - Workshop Full-Moon-Himalayan singing bowls (Wed 8