The Way of the Gong - training days (3 days) 9 to 11 October

450.00 Incl. VAT

N.B. If you want to order more tickets at the same time. Click several times on the [add to cart]. You will then see the quantity you wish to order appear in the icon (shopping trolley) in the top right-hand corner. If you want to checkout, click on the shopping cart icon and it will be self-explanatory.

N.B. Purchased tickets cannot be exchanged or returned.
If, unexpectedly, you cannot or do not want to use the ticket, your best option is to try reselling your ticket within your circle of acquaintances.

Sold out

Includes organic, vegetarian meals made from as much locally grown produce as possible. Tea, water, cake and fruit during breaks.
Kosten per persoon € 450

Option to book overnight stays at Venwoude:
Overnachtingen voor 3 daagse 1 persoonskamer voor 2 nachten € 97 p.p.
Overnachtingen voor 3 daagse 2 persoonskamer voor 2 nachten € 75 p.p.
Overnachtingen voor 3 daagse tent of camper voor 2 nachten € 25 p.p.

Vuurse Steeg 1
3749 AN Lage Vuursche

Spirit Connection