17 April 2016: Satsang in Sound with Jan van Delden

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Sunday 17 April Satsang in sound with Jan van Delden on the theme: Silence Speaks

This day is entirely dedicated to a Satsang in sound by means of gongs, crystal bowls and in words by Jan van Delden who speaks from Silence. The morning starts with a guided sound meditation, followed by Jan's satsang. This satsang ends with a gong bath with gongs and crystal singing bowls.

Jan van Delden was the right-hand man of Dutch teacher Wolter Keers. Who in turn was a student of Ramana Maharshi and Krishna Menon, two of the most important representatives of advaita-vedanta - the doctrine of non-dualism - in India in the first half of the last century. In addition, Jan has been inspired by the writings of A Course in Miracles.

Jan is an inspiration to us through his books "Self-Realisation", "Back from Never Away" and "Many Roads, One Home", among others, these led us to him. The special encounters with him gave us many insights into who we are not. One of Jan's many beautiful sayings is; "Everything you see in another, you can also see in yourself, otherwise you cannot recognise it. Boundless recognition of yourself in the other cannot but lead to recognition of the One".

We are delighted that Jan will hold a satsang on the theme "the Silence speaks" in Spirit Connection's world of sound.
This day will be held in the oldest studio in the Netherlands, MCO Studio 2 at Heuvellaan 33, 1217 JL in Hilversum and is from 10.30 am - 16.30 pm. The cost for this day is € 59,- p.p. and does not include lunch (you must provide your own).

Don't forget to bring your own mat, pillow and possibly blanket so that you can lie relaxed at the crystal gong bath.

Spirit Connection