26 - 27 May: 24-hour cycle 'The Way of the Gong'

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Saturday 26 - 10.30 a.m. to Sunday 27 May - 10.30 a.m.
This gong event lasts for 24 consecutive hours. The cycle starts with preparations for the GongPuja, which will take place during the night for 7.5 hours. In preparation, we will use SoundYoga to deepen our 'being present' through movement, breathing and sound. The intention of the GongPuja will unfold during the preceding gong meditation. You will learn to play the gong yourself as is customary in a GongPuja, so that everyone can play along during the night. We will ritually conclude the puja together with SoundYoga.

What is a GongPuja?
Imagine a room filled with about 20 gongs arranged in a vortex. Around this, people lie sleeping or meditating to the sounds of the gongs during the night. The room fills with multifarious overtone layers.
The 'all-night-GongPuja' is a journey through space into the Silence that you essentially are. It is an experience beyond all expectations. It is a ceremony of cleansing, regeneration, rejuvenation and insight.
The gong is the most powerful instrument to use for this purpose. The gong produces the most harmonic effects of any instrument. When you enter a gong field, you dissolve into its harmonic effects. First, a dematerialisation of the body and eventually the dissolution of the mind.
It is played at one volume so that you can sleep and/or meditate. Each participant is encouraged to participate in the Puja by taking turns playing the gong for the group or simply lying down to disappear into the sounds.

What is SoundYoga?
Sound healing is based on the principle that everything in the universe consists of vibrations. So the human body too consists of vibrations. Like a tuned instrument, the human body is a rhythmic, harmonious entity unless its vibrational field is disturbed. SoundYoga includes breathing techniques, meditation techniques and movement teaching with sound.
Through SoundYoga, we create space and clarity so that certain stuck layers on both physical, mental and emotional levels can be seen and therefore dissolved. Thus, our feelings and intuition are cleansed of the past and our actions become responsive in the Now and no longer reactively caused by the past.
Feelings such as separateness, loneliness, discomfort, sadness, anger, nervousness that are nestled deep in the body can be experienced openly. By not naming or dismissing these feelings but simply allowing them to emerge in attention, these feelings can be experienced as a bodily sensation without a story. In this way, you become increasingly aware of the openness present and experience more clarity.

Lunch, dinner, breakfast, coffee and tea are included. All you need to bring is a pillow, sleeping bag/blanket and a bottle of water.
This 24-hour cycle takes place at the beautiful venue Venwoude located in the middle of the woods of Lage Vuursche (Vuurse Steeg 1). The cost is € 149 per person and tickets are available below

For more information on Venwoude, see www.venwoude.nl. The venue is in the middle of the woods and has its own showers and toilets.

For questions, please feel free to contact 06-23915277 or send an email to info@spiritconnection.nl.

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