Gongbad Saturday 14 February at 8pm with guests Gé Bartman on cello, Aleksandra Anisimowicz soprano voice and Fons Brouwer on church organ.
On Saturday 14 February, we are organising another Gong Bath but this time with the sounds of cello, soprano voice and church organ alongside the familiar other sounds of Spirit Connection. Aleksandra's voice sounds like angels descending from Heaven and for many she is reminiscent of Lisa Gerard (Dead Can Dance). Combined with Gé on cello and Fons on church organ, she leads you to the dissonant harmonies of the gong.
This evening, the sounds of crystal alchemy bowls, Himalayan bowls, shrutiboxes, ocean drums, cello, soprano voice and church organ, among others, will blend with the sounds of the planetary gongs to give a mystical experience. The mystical experience expressed through the energy of the many harmonic vibrations working its way through the nervous system. The body and mind are opened, emptied and recharged. Any sense of separation from other people and nature disappears. Anything that causes conflict disappears and it makes us feel part of the Universe. The mental, emotional and physical bodies become super conductive and super regenerative, making the usual resistance of the ego completely disappear and bringing us back to the I Am state.
The gong bath is from 20.00 - 21.30 and will be held in the Van Houtenkerk on Oudegracht 69 in Weesp. The cost for this gong bath is €27.50 payable in advance. You can register below. After registration, you will receive the bank account number and a payment code to which you can transfer the amount.
Bring a mat, pillow and blanket so you can lie back and relax.