8 June: Gongbad at De Kapel in Hilversum

25.00 Incl. VAT

Price is per person.

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We have been invited to provide a gong bath on Friday 8 June at the beautiful Chapel on 's Gravelandseweg 144 in Hilversum. This time nice and close to home!

The sounds of crystal alchemy bowls and tubular instruments, Himalayan bowls, shrutiboxes, ocean drums and other overtone instruments, among others, will blend with the sounds of the planetary gongs to give a mystical experience. That experience energetically works its way through the nervous system through the many harmonic vibrations. Body and mind open, empty and recharge. Any sense of separation from other people and nature disappears. Anything that causes conflict disappears and it gives the feeling of being a part of the universe. The mental, emotional and physical bodies become super conductive and super regenerative, making the usual resistance of the ego disappear and allowing us to come home to Silence.

The gong is from 19.30 - 21.00 and is in the Chapel on 's Gravelandseweg 144 in Hilversum. The cost is €25 p.p.

Don't forget to bring your own mat, blanket and possibly pillow so you can lie back and relax.

Spirit Connection