SOLD OUT Nov 26: 'Satsang in Sound' with Jan van Delden

59.00 Incl. VAT

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Sold out

Sunday 26 November
Satsang in sound with Jan van Delden
- Silence speaks -

We begin this special Satsang-in-sound day from silence with a guided sound meditation of gongs and crystal singing bowls. This allows you to tune into the silence within yourself. Advaita teacher Jan van Delden then speaks from and about Silence.

Jan makes it clear that you are not who you think you are. That there is no separateness but only oneness. Among other things, Jan uses his Chair Dance to do this.
Jan on his Chair Dance: The inner silence you hear in music, in meditation or in anything else cannot be described, nor defined. Yet to learn to enter that silence permanently and carry it with you in your heart and share it, some people need a symbolic story. I tell my story with four chairs because they create an image for me, as an extra beyond the words.

The day will conclude with a gong bath, in which body and mind can open up through all resistance and surrender to Silence again.

What makes this day special is that with sound and words, through understanding and feeling, we point to where there is no longer any difference between literal and figurative silence. Where you can relax in the intimacy of being.

We again look forward to working with Jan on this Satsang in sound provide.

As a venue, we still chose the intimacy of our own premises.
So the venue will be Borneolaan 25, 1217 GX Hilversum from 10.30am - 4.30pm.
Location is the oldest studio in the Netherlands,
MCO Studio 2 on Heuvellaan 33, 1217 JL in Hilversum
From 10.30am-4.30pm.
The cost for this day is € 59,- p.p. and does not include lunch (you must provide your own).

Don't forget to bring a mat, pillow and possibly blanket so you can lay back and relax at the gong bath.

Spirit Connection